Hi Everyone, some years ago my daughter spent a full school year in Florence for her junior year of college. I visited her there during christmas break. I find international flights quite hard on the system. Between what is supposed to pass for food, and that I'm too excited to sleep on the plane ( and they wake you for "breakfast" at what your body knows is 1 o'clock in the morning ) I usually arrive in rather shaky condition. This was indeed the case when I made it to my daughter's apartment. Her apartment was situated across the square from the huge indoor market which contained every food item one could desire. There were meats, breads, chocolates, olives, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, fish, and all of excellent quality. During my stay, it was a great treat to shop there and procure the ingredients for our next meal. For the day of my arrival, my daughter had bought some finger-thin, impossibly fresh zucchini and planned to cook a fritata for my breakfast! She sliced the zucchini, which raw, had a deliciously nutty flavor. She sauteed the zucchini and onions and added to the pan some freshly beaten eggs. She let the eggs cook without mixing or flipping, added salt, and covered the pan to let everything cook through. A little pamigiano on top and we were good to go. What a restorative meal! Fresh vegetables and eggs cooked together with love and the promise of two food-filled weeks in Firenze!
Below, I have another recipe for zucchini. Zucchini is best when picked very small as it is more flavorful when young and tender.
Sauteed Zucchini:
Slice about six small, slender zucchini for 2 people. Crush a few cloves of garlic and put in a pot with olive oil and salt. Add the zucchini, cover, and turn the flame to medium low heat. Let the zucchini cook and check it periodically. When some has browned, you may stir it gently. The zucchini will brown and soften. Do not let it cook 'til it's mush! When done, sprinkle salt and a little bread crumbs on top. Mmmmmmm, I'm cooking this tonight. Enjoy. Xo
PS This zucchini is also good over linguine.