Baby Bok Choi with Oyster Mushrooms:
Slice up a couple of cloves of garlic and saute in a pan with olive oil and salt. when the garlic begins to turn golden, add about 1/4 lb sliced fresh oyster mushrooms and saute together. Make sure that you have enough oil in the pan. After about a minute add the cleaned bok choi, salt and 2 or 3 lime leaves. I like the really small ones (bok choi) because you can cook them whole. Lower the flame and let them cook slowly. They don't need much time at all so keep your eye on them. You don't want them to get mushy, just soften nicely. When done, remove the lime leaves. A garnish of toasted sesame oil is also a nice addition. Mmmmmm, so nice and fresh! Enjoy, xo.
Nice addition with da lime leaves.