Sauteed Sweet Italian Peppers:
Wash the peppers and cut off the tops and remove the seeds. Slice the peppers lengthwise and rinse away the remaining seeds. Brown a couple of cloves of crushed garlic in olive oil and salt and stir in a sliced medium sized onion. Add the peppers to the pan, salt, cover and lower the flame. Let the peppers cook, stirring occasionally until the peppers are very soft and melding with the onions. The onions will begin to caramelize. This should take around 1/2 hour. This is a great vegetable dish as is, but you can scramble in a couple of eggs at the end of the the cooking time, and the peppers and eggs will make an excellent sandwich on some good Italian bread. I always associate pepper and egg sandwiches with going to the beach, since my grandmother made them for that occasion. Grandma claimed that the sea air gave one an appetite, as did the mountains and many other things. I think it just may have been her cooking. Mmmmmmmm, enjoy! Xo
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